This version was taken from 'Be Domes Dæge' by J. Rawson Lumby and is published here by permission of the Early English Text Society, by whom the complete copyright remains.

I have added interpunction to this version. The notes are taken from Mr. Lumby's book.


Inter florigeras fecundi cæspitis herbas
Flamine ventorum resonatibus undique ramis, etc.

Hwæt! Ic ana sæt innan bearwe,
mid helme beþeht, holte tomiddes,
þær þa wæterburnan swegdon and urnon,
on middan gehæge, eal swa ic secge.
5 Eac þær wynwyrta weoxon and bleowon,
innon þam gemonge on ænlicum wonge;
and þa wudu-beamas wagedon and swegdon,
þurh winda gryre wolcn wæs gehrered,
and min earme mod eal wæs gedrefed.
10 þa ic færinga, forht and unrot,
þas unhyrlican fers onhefde mid sange
eall swylce þu cwæde, synna gemunde,
lifes leahtra, and þa langan tid,
þæs dimman cyme deaðes on eorðan.
15 Ic ondræde me eac dom þone miclan
for mandædum minum on eorðan,
and þæt ece ic eac yrre ondræde me
and synfulra gehwam æt sylfum gode,
and hu mihtig frea eall manna cynn
20 todæleð and todemeð þurh his dihlan miht.
Ic gemunde eac mærðe drihtnes
and þara haligra on heofonan rice,
swylce earmsceapenra yfel and witu.
Ic gemunde þis mid me and ic mearn swiðe,
25 and ic murcnigende cwæð, mode gedrefed:
Nu ic eow, æddran, ealle bidde
þæt ge wylspringas wel ontynan,
hate on hleorum, recene to tearum,
þænne ic synful slea swiðe mid fyste,
30 breost mine beate on gebed stowe,
and minne lichaman lecge on eorðan
and gearnade sar ealle ic gecige.
Ic bidde eow benum nuða
þæt ge ne wandian wiht for tearum,
35 ac dreorige hleor dreccað mid wope
and sealtum dropum sona ofergeotaþ,
and geopeniað man ecum drihtne.
Ne þær owiht inne ne belife
on heort-scræfe heanra gylta,
40 þæt hit ne sy dægcuð, þæt þæt dihle wæs,
openum wordum eall abæred,
breostes and tungan and flæsces swa some.
Šis is an hæl earmre sauwle
and þam sorgiendum selest hihta,
45 þæt he wunda her wope gecyðe
uplicum læce. Se ana mæg
agiltende gyltas mid gode gehælan
and ræplingas recene onbindan,
ne mid swiðran his swyþe nele brysan
50 wanhydig gemod wealdend engla,
ne þone wlacan smocan waces flæsces
wyle waldend Crist wætere gedwæscan.
Hu ne gesceop þe se scaþa scearplice bysne
þe mid Criste wæs cwylmed on rode,
55 hu micel forstent and hu mære is
seo so e hreow synna and gylta?
57 Se sceaða wæs on rode scyldig and manful,
mid undædum eall gesymed;
he drihtene swa þeah, deaðe gehende,
60 his bena bebead breostgehigdum.
He mid lyt wordum ac geleaffullum
his hæle begeat and help recene,
and in-gefor þa ænlican geatu
neorxnawonges mid nerigende.
65 Ic acsige þe, la, earme geþanc
hwi latast þu swa lange, þæt þu ðe læce ne cyþst,
oððe hwi swigast þu, synnigu tunge,
nu þu forgifnesse hæfst gearugne timan,
nu þe ælmihtig earum atihtum,
70 heofonrices weard gehyreð mid lustum?
Ac se dæg cymeð ðonne demeð god
eorðan ymbhwyrft; þu ana scealt
gyldan scad wordum wið scyppend god,
and þam rican frean riht agyldan.
75 Ic lære þæt þu beo hrædra mid hreowlicum tearum,
and þæt yrre forfoh eces deman.
Hwæt ligst þu on horwe leahtrum afylled,
flæsc, mid synnum? Hwi ne feormast þu
mid teara gyte torne synne?
80 Hwi ne bidst þu þe beþunga and plaster,
lifes læcedomes æt lifes frean?
Nu þu scealt greotan tearas geotan,
þa hwile tima sy and tid wopes;
nu is halwende þæt man her wepe
85 and dædbote do drihtne to willan.
Glæd bið se godes sunu, gif þu gnorn þrowast
and þe sylfum demst for synnum on eorðan,
ne heofenes god henða and gyltas
ofer ænne syþ wrecan wile ænigum men.
90 Ne scealt þu forhyccan heaf and wopas
and forgifnesse gearugne timan.
Gemyne eac on mode, hu micel is þæt wite
þe þara earmra byð for ærdædum,
oþþe hu egeslic and hu andrysne
95 heah-þrymme cyningc her wile deman
anra gehwylcum be ærdædum,
oþþe hwylce forebeacn feran onginnað
and Cristes cyme cyþað on eorðan.
Eall eorðe bifað, eac swa þa duna
100 dreosað and hreosað,
and beorga hlida bugað and myltað,
and se egeslica sweg ungerydre sæs
eall manna mod miclum gedrefeð.
Eal bið eac upheofon
105 sweart and gesworcen, swiðe gewuxsað,
deorc and dim hiw, and dwolma sweart.
þonne stedelease steorran hreosað,
and seo sunne forswyrcð sona on morgen,
ne se mona næfð nanre mihte wiht,
110 þæt he þære nihte genipu mæge flecgan.
Eac þonne cumað hider ufon of heofone
deað beacnigende, bregað þa earman;
þonne cumað upplice eored-heapas,
stiþ-mægen astyred, styllað embutan
115 eal engla werod, ecne behlænað,
ðone mæran metod mihte and þrymme.
Sitt þonne sigel-beorht swegles brytta
on heah setle, helme beweorðod.
We beoð færinga him beforan brohte,
120 æghwanum cumene to his ansyne,
þæt gehwylc underfo dom be his dædum æt drihtne sylfum.
Ic bidde, man, þæt þu gemune hu micel bið se broga
beforan domsetle drihtnes þænne;
stent he heortleas and earh,
125 amasod and amarod mihtleas, afæred.
þænne samod becumað of swegles hleo
eall engla werod, ecne ymtrymmað.
æne bið geban micel, and aboden þider
eal Adames cnosl eorðbuendra
130 þe on foldan wearð fedend æfre
oððe modar gebær to manlican,
oþþe þa þe wæron oððe woldon beon
oþþe to-wearde geteald wæron awiht.
Šonne eallum beoð ealra gesweotolude
135 digle geþancas on þære dægtide,
eal þæt seo heorte hearmes geþohte
oððe seo tunge to teonan geclypede
oþþe mannes hand manes gefremede
on þystrum scræfum þinga on eorðan;
140 eal þæt hwæne sceamode scylda on worulde,
þæt he ænigum men ypte oððe cyðde,
þonne bið eallum open æt somne,
gelice alyfed þæt man lange hæl.
Ufenan eall þis eac byð gefylled
145 eal uplic lyft ættrenum lige.
Færð fyr ofer eall, ne byð þær nan foresteal,
ne him man nane mæg miht forwyrnan;
eal þæt us þincð æmtig eac gemearces
under roderes ryne, readum lige