Christ III
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Thus the ravening visitant will scour earth's plains; the ravaging flame will raze tall buildings to the ground by the terror of fire, and the holocaust, notorious afar, hot and ravening for gore will raze the world withal. The shattered walls of cities will collapse outright. Mountains will melt and lofty cliffs, which once securely shielded the land against the main and against its tides, firm and stable, bastions against the breaker and the leaping water. The deadly flame will catch every creature then, beast and bird; the fiery sooty flame, a turbulent warrior, will travel across the land. Whereas waters flowed before and driven tides, then the fishes of the ocean will scorch in a sea of fire, stopped from swimming; every beast of the wave will perish in misery; the water will burn like wax. There will be more prodigies than anyone can imagine in his mind, as to how that crash and the storm and the violent air will broadly breach the universe. Men will cry; they will weep, wailing with weary voices, wretched, morbid of mind and tormented with regrets. The sooty flame will smelt the sins in those corrupted, and embers swallow up ornaments of gold, all the one-time wealth of hereditary kings. There will be uproar and anxiety and turmoil of the living, regret and loud weeping at the tumult from heaven, a wretched welter of mortal men. No one marked by wicked deeds will be able to gain a refuge thence, nor anywhere in the land escape the conflagration; for the fire will take hold throughout whatever country, and fiercely delve and zealously scour earth's regions inside and out, until the fiery incandescence has burned up in its billowing all the pollution of worldly filth.

1007 Then mighty God will come, King of heaven's angels, into that famed mountain; holy, glorious, he will shine out above the hosts, the reigning God, and round about him that supreme and noble multitude, the holy warrior-bands will shimmer clear, the blessed company of the angels. In their inner thoughts they will be trembling, fearful in the presence of the Father's wrath. It is no wonder, then, that the impure species of worldly men, anxiously grieving, should dread it acutely when this holy species, white and heavenly-bright, the army of archangels, are afraid with fear for that figure, and his bright creatures await in trembling the judgement of the Lord. It will prove to be the most appalling day in the world when the King of glory in his majesty punishes every people and commands humanity to arise from out of their graves in the ground and each single person, each member of mankind, to come to the conclave. Then promptly all the kin of Adam will take on flesh; it will have come to the end of its earthly rest and habitation. Each one shall then rise up alive in the face of Christ's coming and take on limbs and body and be young anew; upon him he will have everything of virtue or of folly which in past days on earth he laid upon his spirit with the passing of the years; he will have both body and soul conjoined. The display of his works and the remembrance of his words and the intentions of his heart must come into the light before the King of the heavens.