Christ III
  Back to lines 1469 - 1518


1519 'Depart now, damned, divorced of your own volition from the bliss of angels, into the everlasting fire that was prepared for Satan and his comrades with him, for the devil and that dark swarm, hot and deadly fierce: into that you are constrained to sink.'
1524 This time they will not be able to slight the commandment of the King of heaven, being bereft of their powers. They will be forced at once to fall into the terrible abyss, who formerly strove against God. The Guardian of the kingdom will be severe then and puissant, angry and awesome. No enemy on this earthly highway will be able to remain present.
1530 With his right hand he will swing the sword of victory so that the devils will fall into the deep pit, the horde of the sinful into black flame, the doomed spirits below the plain of earth, the swarm of those filled with defilement into the dwelling-place of fiends, those condemned to perdition into the house of punishment, the devil's hall of death. Thereafter they will not come into the Lord's remembrance, nor will they extenuate their sin; there, condemned for their crimes, surrounded by flame they will suffer death. The penalty of sin will be plainly present: it is everlasting torment. Not in eternity, not in existence infinite will the hot pit be able to smelt away the sins of the populace of hell, the blemish from their souls; but there the deep groundless gulf will gorge those prostrate spirits and nurture them in the darkness, and will burn them with the ancient flame and the awful frost; by fierce serpents and with many tortures and by its greedy deadly jaws it will ravage its peoples.
1549 This we can appreciate and declare at once and say in truth, that he has forfeited the Warder of the soul, the Wisdom of life, whoever does not presently care whether his spirit is wretched, or blessed, since after its departure hence it will have to stay eternally tied to its home. Nor does he, this heedless man, regret committing sin, nor does he have a scrap of remorse in his heart that the Holy Ghost is lost to him because of his vices in this transient time. Then he will stand, a dingy malefactor at judgement, afraid before God; and, condemned to death, damned for his defilements, the renegade will be steeped in fire. Unworthy of life, harassed by fear, livid and unlovely in the presence of God, he has the countenance of a criminal, the flawmark of his life. Then the children of iniquities will gush with tears and lament their sins - when the time for this is no more; for they render help to their spirits too late since the Ruler of the multitudes will not care how those evil-doers sorely bemoan the acquisitions of their past in that revelatory hour. That hour of griefs is not granted to people in order that a person might find the medicine there, who has no will to acquire health for his spirit now, while he is living here.